Make An Appointment
Every effort will be made to provide you with an appointment with the doctor of your choice, at a time, within the appointment system, convenient to you.
However, it may be necessary for you to see another doctor if the matter is one of urgency and the doctor of your choice is not available.
To make an appointment telephone 02920 498181 during opening hours, or call in personally at reception. Appointments can also be booked via the NHS Wales App. You will be required to register to use this facility. Please ask reception for details.
Acute new problems may be given a same day appointment or a triage call with a GP. If you feel it is a new acute problem, then we advise you to ring between 8am & 10am. If you call after this time the allocation for the day may be full.
If you would like to book a routine appointment 2 weeks in advance, please call between 11:00am to 1:00pm, alternatively, these routine appointments can also be made via the NHS Wales App. Please ask reception for more information if you are not registered.
All Home visit requests must be made before 10:30am.
For prescription queries please call between 12pm & 3pm and if you are calling for test results, please ring between 2pm to 5pm.
The surgery doors are open from 8.00am until 6:00pm.
Please not that if you are late for an appointment the Clinician may not be able to accomodate you.
Cancelled Appointments
Please let us know, as soon as possible, if you need to cancel an appointment. Please do so via telephone or email: (Please note: You CANNOT BOOK appointments via email) Or if you booked the appointment via the NHS Wales App, you can also cancel the appointment that way.
This will enable us to give the appointment to another patient.